
A collection of random wafflings as they pop into my mind

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I shouldn't be typing this...

In fact I shouldn't be typing anything non-essential really. Having waited about 12 weeks to see a physio I'm now three sessions into the treatment for my neck/arm/shoulder/hand pain/tingling/numbness. Whilst it has improved my range of movement in my neck it's also dramatically increased the pain, hence the co-codamol and diazepam from the lovely locum doctor. I've also invested in one of these after being advised to apply heat packs to the area, it's just fab, and saves me nicking Mum's square version all the time .

College (when I mangaged to talk to the people I needed to) have actually been really good about the problem. Occupational health emailed my tutor supporting my request for extensions for my essay and referred me to student support services to see what help they can offer. Their support worker took details of how it's affecting my studying and participation in student life (I didn't think it was worth pointing out that it's my drinking arm that's affected) and they're going to get back to me. One of the suggestions they made was that for my summer exam I could have a scribe (which I thought was a little over the top), but they thought my suggestion of a writing slope so I'm not bending over to write would be possible, and suggested extra time for breaks to rest and stretch in.

So that's about it for now - I would like to point out that this has been saved several times as a draft and added to as and when I felt up to it so if the tense changed halfway through, apologies .

See Mum I am being good and trying to cut down on my computer addiction!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm not liking New Blogger

Well, for a start it won't let me remain signed in on my computer, no matter how many times I click the remember me thing. When you do sign in, you have to sign in with your email address rather than your user name which is much shorter to type. Today I discovered that it wouldn't let a friend add a comment. I really am growing to regret the move to it, and they won't let me have the old one back.

In other news, I braved M&S today and managed to spend £** on clothes and a pair of ankle boots. Bizarrely whilst I normally need a 5 1/2 they were huge on me and I ended up buying a pair of boots in 4 1/2. I know their dress sizes have got roomer, but shoes as well? The budget has been well and truely blown this week, as I have also spent the best part of £40 on Mr Mandelstom's seminal work, Community Care Practice & Law (or whatever it's called). College only has 5 copies of it across three sites and none of them are short term bookable or reference copies. Fingers crossed it will arrive before my essays are due in, although knowing my luck they'll release the 4th edition next week!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm NOT saying the HNY thing...

Grrr, the end of the year thing really annoys me. It's just a day like any other. Maybe I've just not experienced anything that makes me wish I can say good riddance to the old year and welcome the new with such pomp. So moving swiftly on.....

Christmas came and went with far too many calories consumed. Oops. It was lovely to have all the family together and I got some really nice pressies, including Hotel Chocolat kirsch soaked cherries which contributed to the calorie overload.

The world seems to have returned to normal now, we got up early and had a family outing to Lakeland Limited at Windermere and ended up spending waaaaaaaay too much money - but it was the sales. We picked up some more stickers that had been a big hit with my niece after her parents bought some earlier in the sales, a load of reduced price card making stuff (so I can make cards and avoid writing my 4 essays that are due in by the end of the month) and the best thing, a half price purple stripey door mat.

After all the shopping (we arrived about half an hour after the store opened and had the place to ourselves) we were the first customers of the day in their in store cafe. It was really nice just to sit in comfy chairs and savour a cinnamon latte and gaze out of the windows chatting with Mum & Dad, and knowing that at that moment there was nothing else that I should and could be doing. Random thought about Lakeland, in the toilet cubicles they have a screen that shows their promotional video. Does this mean that people spend longer on the toilet so that they can see the whole thing, or less time as it's a bit odd seeing the people on it whilst you're sat on the loo?