
A collection of random wafflings as they pop into my mind

Saturday, November 11, 2006

This week I.....

Well, I survived my first week of placement. Only another five to go. It's amazing how physically and mentally tiring placements are. I thought I was increasing my stamina whilst being back at college, in that I could actually get home and not fall asleep some days, as opposed to needing a two hour nap before tea but apparently that was me being a bit too optimistic.

What I had in fact failed to notice was how easy students have it. (Yes, it pains me to admit it, but in the interest of reflective practice and all those other things I'm supposed to be doing I have to be honest.) Whilst I'm doing a full time course I'm actually only in lectures for three and a half days a week. Most of those days don't start until 9.30 and are usually finished by 3.30. Take into account that included in those hours are a half hour coffee break in the morning and an hour for lunch, and I suddenly realised why working Monday to Friday from 8.30-4.30 with 45 minutes for lunch was exhausting before you factor in the cognitive demands of being in a new place, on best behaviour and trying to look intelligent. Think I failed on the last count when the senior OT was fitting a brace by someone's ankle and asked me what the malleolus was and I replied "The sticky out bit...."

Still on the bright side, they're prepared to have me back next week, the green trousers have not yet split and I am actually learning a lot about OT.

In other news this week, it was my birthday - this involved chocolate cake, pizza and garlic bread as well as presents. What more could a girl want? Fortunately I received some money for my birthday, this was very good as I'd already ordered some more sock yarn. I'm ashamed to admit that despite having a jumper to sew together for my niece, and a cardigan I'm knitting for myself that has not yet progressed past half a sleeve, I have in fact cast on a sock. Is there a sock knitters anonymous? I suspect there's something in the dye they use in the self patterning yarn that has addictive qualities...


At 9:22 am, Blogger Custancia said...

Good luck for your second week in placement.
Since we've not yet got a birthday present for you, I'm presuming something sock yarn related would be good???!

At 12:49 pm, Blogger Social Work Dad said...

I never realised socks could be addictive...


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